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About the campaign
We partnered with 10 talented local South African musicians to recreate a 2 Minute Shower Song version of their hits: the perfect length for a water wise shower.
The idea was to play the song whilst you shower. When it’s done, so are you. We also aimed to highlight key water saving tips to further drive down usage. Sanlam has always been associated with WWF, and so there was a prolific synergy between the City’s need and this initiative.
Through partnering with two local radio stations, we secured the morning drive DJs to endorse the campaign. Here we encouraged listeners to send in voice notes with their best version of a 2 Minute Shower Song.
Radio interviews with musicians, highlighting their songs and commitment to the cause generated vast on air exposure. The tracks generated significant airplay.
Activity played out on radio social platforms (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram), radio websites and DJs personal social pages.
Outdoor sites communicated the 2 Minute Shower Songs message: locally at the Cape Town airport - for all arriving visitors, as well as in the biggest city, Johannesburg, to educate the mass exodus of visitors out of Johannesburg who travel to Cape Town over the festive season.
Local papers ran full page newspaper ads highlighting top artist involvement, and consumer magazines were used to create broader national awareness of the crisis.
A strong social campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram drove awareness, and song downloads on iTunes or Google Play.
Key Objectives:
- Create national and international awareness.
- Generate public interest.
- Encourage consumers to actively partake.
- Generate a positive return on investment
Other agencies involved: The King James Group and Incubeta
In a drought conscious and water saving effort, the Western Cape Government recommended showers be limited to 2 minutes or less in this very critical period.
No brand was yet leading the conversation on responsible water use in South Africa. We wanted to be one of the first corporate's to ”answer the call” from the City to support the cause, especially as we headed into peak summer and tourist season.
We needed to provide a practical tool as the City called on the public to reduce consumption as the most critical intervention.
- Real insight: The campaign was based on a factual and topical social issue with a valuable message to be shared and implemented by the community: an actionable manner to reduce individual water consumption.
- Human Behavior: South Africans love music; it's entrenched in our culture – we are a nation of singers and we love to sing in the shower.
- Authenticity: The brands’ long standing focus on, and commitment to water security and conservation provided immediate credibility.
- Credibility: Partnering with the City and CT Tourism worked well to add further credibility and increased media interest.
- Positivity: The upbeat approach and interactivity factor immediately cut through the ‘doom and gloom’ clutter and negativity around the water crisis.
- Proactiveness: Rather than fuelling the panic, it provided the public with a simple yet potentially powerful tool to make a difference – allowed easy action for ordinary residents to adopt in their day-to-day.
- Scope: Involving local musicians from a plethora of genres and securing local radio DJ endorsements, led to broader shareability and talkability, on radio, in social and from a PR front on morning lifestyle TV and national radio.
This was the best performing campaign from Sanlam in the past 3 years, specific to exposure and value generated.
Most importantly; this campaign represented a starting point in changing human behaviour; by highlighting the impending water crisis, by guiding users to be more water conscious and by empowering them with a powerful tool and advice to make a difference.
- Total all media impressions: 147 million+ (POE)
- Total video views: 1.6 million+
- Unique website visits: 22,694
- Total volume of engagement: 1.7 million +
- Click throughs to site: 145,000+
- CPE: R0.30
- AVE: R6 612 000
- Music Consumptions: 7,800+
- Media nett saving: 46%
2017 Awards Won
DAN Innovation Awards | Bronze | Creativity that Connects
2018 Awards Won
Amasa Awards | Gold | Best Integrated: Financial